The Living Dead, created by George A. Romero, is THE groundbreaking series that redefined the zombie genre and left an undeniable mark on horror cinema. Known for its social commentary, gore, and suspense, the franchise explores the collapse of society in the face of an undead apocalypse.
Romero's zombies are iconic: slow, relentless, and driven by an insatiable hunger for flesh, serving as a powerful metaphor for human fears and societal issues, such as consumerism, racism, and government failure. The franchise examines different groups of survivors in each film, showing how human nature often proves more dangerous than the undead.
With its gritty realism and thought-provoking themes, Romero’s Living Dead series remains a touchstone in horror, inspiring countless films, books, and shows that followed, while continuing to challenge audiences with its sharp social critique and enduring horror.